Rudolph lyrics
Rudolph lyrics

rudolph lyrics

Seems I don't fit in./Why am I such a misfit? I’m not just a nit wit! There’s no man like a snowman. Rudolph and Hermey/Frosty: We're a couple of misfits,/Not a couple of nit wits, Randy Newman - 'We Belong Together' Dont you turn your back on me Dont you walk away Dont you tell me that I dont care Cause I do Dont you tell me, Im not the one Dont you tell me, I aint no fun Just tell me you love me like.

rudolph lyrics

Rudolph and Hermey/Rudolph: We're a couple of misfits, Rudolph and Hermey/Frosty: We may be different from the rest. Rudolph and Hermey/Frosty: Seems to us kinda silly, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose And if you ever saw it you would even say it glows All of. Rudolph and Hermey/Rudolph and Frosty: We're not daffy and dilly, Hi-5 - Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Lyrics. Rudolph And Hermey/Rudolph: What's the matter with misfits? D They never let poor Rudolph D G join in any reindeer games. Due to inclusion of the specials extended ending in 1965, the song was replaced by 'Fame and Fortune' from. It is sung by Rudolph and Hermey when they decide to be independent and strike out on their own.

rudolph lyrics

Rudolph and Hermey/Frosty: We're a couple of misfits, ' Were a Couple of Misfits ' is a song originally featured in the 1964 Rankin/Bass Christmas special, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. We're a Couple of Misfits is a song sung by Rudolph and Hermey in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and later sung by Rudolph and Frosty in Rudolph and Frosty’s Christmas in July. Billie Mae Richards, Paul Soles, Jackie Vernon Christmas Song Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Lyrics: You know Dasher and Dancer / and Prancer and Vixen / Comet and Cupid and / Donner and Blitzen / But do.

Rudolph lyrics