You’ll be saved a considerable amount of time, money, and hassle (not to mention property damage!) involved in raising litters of puppies or kittens. You won’t have to deal with the mess or the inconvenience of a pet in heat (or a male pet reacting to a female in heat). Spay/neuter reduces or eliminates spraying (marking objects with a spray of urine), yowling/howling, escaping, and other troublesome behaviors.The majority of dog bites (60–80 percent) are caused by intact male dogs.As a result, they are less likely to be lost or hit by cars. Spayed/neutered animals wander less and stay closer to home.Spay/neuter often reduces the tendency to fight with other animals.75% of dogs found dead on the side of the road are unneutered males. We empower caregivers to break the heart-wrenching cycle of overpopulation and health-related pet surrender by providing affordable spay/neuter and wellness.Somebody’s puppies and kittens end up in shelters. Animal shelters care for 6-8 million dogs and cats every year in the United States, of whom approximately 3-4 million are euthanized.

An unspayed female dog, her mate and all of their puppies can produce 67,000 dogs in 6 years!.